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SPIPA-Kendra sarkar ni kacherio ane jaher sahsoni Bharati pariksha (class 1,2) prashikshan varg 2018/2019

SPIPA,-kendra sarkar ni kacherio ame jaher sahsoni ni Bharati pariksha

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SPIPA is established to impart training to all the departments and offices of the State Government; and for this purpose it assesses the training and skill up-gradation needs for various categories of officers. It acts as a think tank for the government in matters of administrative reforms, good governance, rural development and panchayati raj institutions, amongst other sectors, and ploughs back solutions to the same. The institute also conducts various symposia and conferences, on its own or on behalf of the Central and State Governments.
As mentioned in its Memorandum of Association, SPIPA functions with the following core objectives:
  • To bring together various State Government institutions desiring to share resources of common infrastructure
  • To provide foundation training to the new recruits of the State Government, conduct pre-service and in-service training to gazetted and non-gazetted employees at all levels – be it at Secretariat, departmental or district level
  • To organize seminars, conferences, discussions, symposia, workshops etc. on issues relevant to good governance
  • To assess training needs and devise course structures for various departments of the State Government
  • To design programs for preparing meritorious students for civil service examinations
  • To establish and maintain libraries and publications for information and awareness on public administration

For a state advancing with leaps and bounds into an era of rapid progress and development, a continual updating of skills is the sine qua non for its governing workforce. The capacity to become an instrument of change requires personal betterment and the necessary knowledge to translate vision into action.
It is with this mandate that SPIPA has chalked out a multitude of training programs, in order to equip government functionaries to serve the citizens to their utmost satisfaction. It also undertakes research and surveys in its Centre for Good Governance and State Institute of Rural Development.

State training 

The Government of Gujarat has accepted training as an effective tried-and-tested tool for performance enhancement of its personnel. The State Training Policy, effective from 19-04-2004, has been framed for 'Compulsory Training' of public servants in SPIPA or any other recognized training institution. Its chief aim is the upgradation of knowledge and skill of government employees at all levels to enable them to serve the people better.
SPIPA has been relentlessly pursuing the effective implementation of the State Training Policy.

Spipa s Vision
To emerge as a Center for Excellence in governance and citizen centric public administration.
While the civil servants of the country and the bureaucracy have, by and large, lived up to the vision of our founding fathers in institutionalizing democracy, there is much that needs to be done towards building a system that is transparent and efficient. SPIPA foresees a public administration with the citizen at its center.
SPIPA has emerged today as the nationwide platform for sharing and exploring new possibilities in improving governance. The institute is unique in its ability to draw out experts from each field to supplement the efforts of its in-house faculty. The campus and facilities at SPIPA offer the perfect ambience for studies and discussions, research and documentation. It is strategically located in the heart of Ahmedabad, the development hub of Gujarat. Its specialized need based training programs are diverse and interactive. SPIPA also boasts of distinguished alumni serving the country in their respective fields and enjoying satisfying careers. All in all, it is a focused institution characterized by dynamism and commitment to its objectives.

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