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Prathmik madhyamik sisyavruti ni parixa ni Hall ticket Downlod karava babat

Prathmik madhyamik sisyavruti ni parixa ni Hall ticket Downlod karava babat

Last Date Of Form Submission for PSE /SSE was 04 September 2018(UpTo 23:59.59). 
Last Date Of Online Payment for PSE /SSE was 05 September 2018(UpTo 23:59.59). 
Last Date Of Post office Payment for PSE /SSE was 05 September 2018. 
Last Date Of Fee Receive for NTSE was 15 September 2018 (UpTo 23:59 .) 
Last Date Of Post office Payment for NTSE is 15 September

HomeNews & AnnouncementsExam Announcements

Exam Announcements

Guidelines of the State Examination Board organized examinations – 2008.

. Take help of expert professors of district education and training institutes, principals and professors of the government and granted colleges, professors of the non-granted college whose profiles are accepted and graduates with 5 years experience and B.Ed., M.Ed. or teachers in internal training arrangement and practical examination. One day seminar to be organized by the principals of every district regarding this and to give guidance after planning about practical examination.
. Some P.T.C. institutes allocate work of internal / external evaluation to only one teacher. Not doing that, allocate work as per the rotation.
. Instruct examiners and supervisors to accept the work compulsorily if appointed.
. District Education Officer has to form squad in every exam considering the local circumstances. In that, principals of the district education and training institute and its staff, district primary education officer, principals of government / granted colleges are to be attached and create atmosphere to arrange exam properly.

. Principal of the district education and training institute and its educational staff
. Class-II Officers of the Office of the District Education Officer
. District Primary Education Officers and Dy. District Primary Education Officers
. Principals of the granted PTC Colleges
. Teachers of the State / National award winner primary and secondary schools.

. During the practical examination, at the time when professors of Diet / Colleges are joined in the examination work, assign the trainees the work to write assignment in the classroom to motivate for self study.
. Send report to Shri B. C. Solanki, Hon. Secretary, State Examination Board, Sector-21, Opp. District Library, Gandhinagar after completing internal / external evaluation and taking average in the given time limit.
. Evaluation is not proper if the difference between internal / external marks is of 10 marks. In this situation, take decision after discussing with the principal of the diet on the spot. If 45 or more marks are given, the specialty of the lesson is to be shown.
. Complete the work by arranging practical exams of the subjects like Computer / Music / Paining even on the holidays.
. Place class-2 officer or principals of the government / granted colleges as Center Administrator of the examination center.
. Don’t keep activity lesson in annual lessons. Only one unit can be kept if more than one group is there at a time in simple lessons. Lesson should be evaluated by analyzing the given format.

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