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Read Latest Educational News of date 28th Desember 2018shikshansagar And Also Get Latest Jobs Notificatiheld months before the main stage of auditions are held. Those that make it through the initial stage, become participants in the "Judges' Auditions", which are held in select cities across the country, and attended by the judges. Each participant is held offstage and awaits their turn to perform before the judges, whereupon they are given 90 seconds to demonstrate their act, with a live audience present for all performances. At the end of a performance, the judges give constructive criticism and feedback about what they saw, whereupon they each give a vote - a participant who receives a majority vote approving their performance, moves on to the next stage, otherwise they are eliminated from the show at that stage. Each judge has a buzzer, and may use it during a performance if they are unimpressed, hate what is being performed, or feel the act is a waste of their time; if a participant is buzzed by all judges, their performance is automatically over and they are eliminated without being given a vote. Many acts that move on may be cut by producers and may forfeit due to the limited slots available for the second performance. Filming for each season always takes place when the Judges' Auditions are taking place, with the show's presenter standing in the wings of each venue's stage to interview and give personal commentary on a participant's performance.

Quarter Finals/Semi-FinalsEdit

During this round, the final selection of participants, which has ranged from between 20 to 60 acts and include those that were chosen as Wildcards by the judges or received the Golden Buzzer, are divided into groups and compete against each other for viewers' and judges' votes. The general structure of the live episodes focuses first on four quarterfinals, and then two semi-finals, aimed at finding that season's finalists. Additional rounds are conducted when required (such as a "Top 8" or a "Top 10", depending on the season). During these stages, the judges still provide feedback on an act's performance when it is over, and can use buzzers to prematurely end an performance before it is over; in the first season, the judges could not end a performance before it was over. Acts which don't secure a sufficient amount of votes by the public and/or the judges, are eliminated from the competition.

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We tried to make it easier for you to visit each newspaperIndia's Got Talent follows the global Got Talentformat, in which contestants audition in front of three judges and a studio audience. Up until the semifinal and final rounds, the judges decide whether or not a contestant advances in the competition. During the semifinal and final rounds, viewers vote on which contestants will advance. website quickly, which will save you time and feel very easy; almost like visiting pages with in a website. Hope you like your visit here everyday.

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