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M.A,external jaherat hemchandra acharya patan university

I am pleased to welcome you all to Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University (HNGU) situated at Patan of the North Gujarat Region of Gujarat State. The campus of the University is spread over 230 acres of land. It caters to the higher educational needs with 27 Post Graduate Departments and Centers at Patan and 363 affiliated colleges spread over five districts of Patan, Mahesana, Banskantha, Sabarkantha and Aravali. 

We are living in the era of parenthesis - a transition period in which there is paradigm shift in all walks of life. The technological, institutional and cultural convergences have made globalization, a reality. In the emerging global scenario, higher education institutions have to play a catalytic role of building the capacities of the youths, in terms of, developing the required traits to make them life-long learners, equipping them for entrepreneurial abilities, and finally, to develop the leadership qualities of responsible citizens. The basic aim is to make them globally competitive. 

The University is committed to promote innovations in teaching learning process, cultivate research and development culture, imbibe the knowledge and entrepreneurship, and brings about flexibility in the systems and processes. Our endeavors are directed to inculcate integrated humanism through holistic education and shaping the youths to stand on their own. 

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